Laura Magdalene Eisenhower Review
Laura M. Eisenhower, Galactic Historian, Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist, Ascension Guide, Whistleblower

“This book is sure to inspire a genuine awakening that draws us closer into our own Divine Essence—rather than the programming of the old Patriarchal system and the New Age deceptions. It reveals how our unconscious continuation of hierarchy and separation is greatly inhibiting the dance and flow of these cosmic forces which when embraced and integrated, empowers us to fully be ourselves. This book is a de-programming in many ways. It is written in such a palpable way that engages the reader to embark on a journey into their own unconscious, and it enables one to recognize where one may still be immersed in the distortions that take our power away, or encourage beliefs that continue to hold us hostage to agendas that do not serve our Sovereignty or Divine Birthright. I can't think of anything more important, than coming to terms with these gender conditionings and the reclamation of the Divine Blueprint. It is an incredible support to the way we navigate relationships, our relationship with Self and our relationship with Life. IT reminds us of the Divine Heart and what the most necessary keys are to a real awakening—bringing us closer and closer to recognizing our own potential and Divinity, without control, but with liberation from the old way, as the guide to get there.”
—Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Galactic Historian, Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist, Ascension Guide, Whistleblower
“In her new book, Marja West reminds us that there's nowhere to get to, that every moment is an expression of The Divine within and without."
~ Brick Thornton, Yoga & Fitness Instructor