Gary Gach Endorsement
Buddhist Author, Poet, Mindfulness Teacher

Marja West is not only a full-fledged freelance mystic; I believe she’s been an intuitive empath from birth. She’s also earned a black belt from the School of Hard Knocks and holds a graduate degree from the University of the Universe. In the kindergarten for saints we call life, she’s a big-hearted teacher for lifelong learning, starting now. She guides us through the often rocky terrain of life as it ‘lives’ us from moment to moment. In relationships, we face our greatest teachers—beckoning us to open, to go deeper, dissolve our reactivity, to stay and not escape, and to love, anyway, because love is what we are.
—Gary Gach
Mindfulness Teacher, Author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buddhism, Editor of What Book!?– Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop; co-translator of Hafiz’s Little Book of Life with Hafiz (Author) and Erfan Mojib.
Marja West speaks of a truth so bright, so illuminating that your soul will feel the very essence of itself being heard."
~Tara Marino, Elegant Femme

“In her new book, Marja West reminds us that there's nowhere to get to, that every moment is an expression of The Divine within and without."
~ Brick Thornton, Yoga & Fitness Instructor