About Marja West

Marja West (pronounced mahrrr’ya) is a Master Energy Healing Facilitator, Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator, Medical Intuitive, occulted Hermetic Principles and Natural Law teacher, Reality Transurfer, and Author.
Marja is a dynamic, charismatic speaker well-known for engaging, edgy, disarmingly hilarious, fiery, and unpolitically correct presentations. Adept at weaving laugh-out-loud humour whilst candidly addressing the challenges of our current times regarding the Truth about humanity’s enslavement in the Matrix’s *Perception-Managed* reality, Marja advocates *Waking Up* and reclaiming our focus and attention from all distractions to Exit the Matrix and re-enter into the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe. Only outside of the Matrix can humanity evolve from Victim to Victorious to create Formless into Form. Marja’s teachings are practical reminders of the First Hermetic Principle of Mentalism: All is Mind, The Universe is Mental.
In addition to Natural Law and Hermetic Principles, Marja lectures regularly on the following:
The Gynocracy, aka The Malignant Feminine Cult hiding behind Fake Feminism and Yes Men
Masculine~Feminine 101, The War of the Sexes and other Divide & Conquer Mind Control Programs
Trauma-Based Mind Control via the Three Traumas Cages,
Sexual abuse healing
Shadow work—utilising our PTSDs—Pains-Traumas-Suffering and Dramas as gateways to Spiritual Awakening
Energy Kung Fu Mastery ~ Psychic Self-Defense
Reality Creation via Transurfing
Toxic~Conscious Relationships Polarity
New Age Bullshit
The One Pronoun to UnSlave Us All
Journalling & Burning: Navigating modern living with the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in all of us — balancing our Doing with Being and our Suffering with Pleasure

In 1987, Marja received a nine-month series of instructional transmissions through waking dreams. These dreams were documented and transcribed with the help of her Jungian Analyst, Pearl, resulting in pioneering Absolute Balanced Mastery™: Marja’s Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivation protocols. This cutting-edge emotional-energetic healing modality technology powerfully combines healing modalities from various ancient systems—the Human Energy Field, the Chakra System, the Meridian System from 5-element Chinese Medicine, and Direct Divine Inquiry utilising dowsing practices. Absolute Balanced Mastery™ also fosters Unity Consciousness through restoring the natural alignment of the Heart (feelings-emotions), Mind (thoughts-beliefs), and Body (actions/active stillness-nonaction) with the Divine—honouring Divine Law/Spiritual Law/Natural Law.
This comprehensive nuts and bolts, straightforward approach to dissolving past and future, exiting the Matrix, and all trauma-based mind control programs make her an inspirational leader in the field of emotional-energetic healing and mindset evolution.

Marja is also a Certified Bioenergy Balancing® Practitioner, working closely with originator Priscilla Kapel at the Bioenergy Balancing Center in Palo Alto, CA, from 1991-1996.
She was a client of Michael Tsarion’s genius Tarotscopes for several years when they lived in Silicon Valley. Michael’s work helped support her navigation of her deep, horrific dive into the real-life evil realms manipulated by secret societies all over the world and their ritualised egregious human atrocities, much of which are skillfully perpetrated right before our eyes. Her shocking discoveries inspired and led her to create healing programs, handholding survivors of trafficking and ritualised mind control.
In 1997, she met Sabine Buccini in London, who became her business partner and longtime assistant for over 21 years until her unexpected passing in May 2018.

Marja credits Sabine for being the one true genius in her life who understood her vision and helped anchor and make more readily available the working of the Three Trauma Cages and her Trauma DeActivation ~ DeArmouring work, in conjunction with the Hermetic Principles—bringing her work to over 30 countries—in-person—small groups, and online starting in 2003; to teach her
cutting-edge healing technologies and provide healing sessions—often donating her time, resources, and services to those most in need.
A true Renaissance Woman with an eclectic background in art, dance, and music, as an accomplished singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and performer; astronomy/physics, women’s studies (which revealed to her the Gynocracy), martial arts, yoga, bodywork, nutrition, homoeopathy, plant & flower essences, Pranic Healing, breath modalities, sound healing, Totality Therapy via Dr Shakti Malan of South Africa, Reality Transurfing via Vadim Zeland of Russia, a variety of meditation practices, and Kriya Yoga—receiving her initiation in 1990 from Roy E. Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. She facilitates Sacred Union-Hieros Gamos and Life Celebrations and other pagan rituals.
In the Summer of 2010, Marja hosted her solo internet radio program, DIVINE NATION, on VoiceAmerica’s 7th Wave Network. From January 2012 to February 2015, The Human Spirit Radio Network featured her show Waking Gods & Goddesses—Embodying Divine Wisdom and the Sensual Life. Her San Francisco collaboration with MamaCoatl aka Silvia Parra from 2006-2015, cocreated Guardianas de la Vida honouring the 25th of November—The International Day For the Elimination of Violence Towards Women and Girls. Fearless in pushing the edges of conformity, abhorring totalitarian echo chambers of agreement-based Think-Feel-Do-Speak, Marja has been censored and banned from numerous platforms and communities. Her vast membership site, online schools, and initial YouTube Channel were all de-platformed in 2015. Regrouped and recovered, her new YouTube Channel, LoveTruth&Beauty, officially launched on 2 January 2020 whilst awaiting her deportation papers to return to America just before the CV19 lockdowns. In February 2021, Marja was among a select group of teachers and content creators invited to be an integral part of the initial launch of Mark Passio’s One Great Work Network as an expansion of his WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com and Free Your Mind conferences.
A reclusive hermit, Marja divides her time between living and writing in the high desert mountains of America’s Southwest with her longtime beloved, 300+ plants and musical instrument creatures, travelling the planet giving presentations and Trauma DeActivation Trainings, then disappearing into the lushness of Tuscany or the mists of the Orkneys.