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About Marja West


Marja West (pronounced mahrrr’ya) is a Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator, author, non-guru lineage Spiritual Teacher, Way-Show-er, Divine Love Agent Provocateur, Medical Intuitive, and Master Energy Healing Facilitator.


Well-known for her often hilarious, disarming, and electrifying presentations, Marja’s teachings are practical reminders to engage and activate your Superpower of *Focus* to easefully allow the physical and conscious embodiment of Divinity as Grand Creators of Reality, outside of the Matrix.


She facilitates the dissolving of all forms of trauma-based mind control, including the most egregious of sexual abuse, so you can raise your energy frequencies of your earthly physical self to match up to your Eternal Divine Self.


Marja calls this process of closing the energy gap between your physical self and your Divine Self as the *True Ascension* as Divine-In-The-Flesh.


She makes clear that it is our job to meet up with our Divine Selves, not the other way around. We can only access our True Divine Creative Natures through Waking Up, Seeing Ourselves, Seeing Reality, Exiting the Matrix, Entering into Our Attention/Awareness Center--our Awakened State--within the True Quantum Field-Creation Field Universe.


Each one of us is evolving from Victim to Victorious.


A dynamic speaker and presenter, often described as edgy, un-politically correct, passionate and high energy, electric, fiery, magnetic, and magnanimous— Marja is adept at weaving laugh-out-loud humour whilst candidly addressing the challenges of our current times regarding the Truth about our *Perception-Managed* reality aka the Matrix, the importance of sexual abuse healing, New Age Bullshit, Fake Feminism, and navigating modern living with the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in all of us—balancing our Doing with Being and our Suffering with Pleasure.


In 1987, Marja received a 9 month series of instructional transmissions through waking dreams and pioneered Absolute Balanced Mastery™ a cutting edge emotional-energetic healing modality technology that fosters Unity Consciousness through restoring the natural alignment of Heart (feelings-emotions), Mind (thoughts-beliefs), and Body (actions-nonactions) with the Divine—honouring Divine Law/Spiritual Law/Natural Law. This comprehensive nuts and bolts, straight forward approach to dissolving past and future, and all limiting trauma-based mind control programs, makes her an inspirational leader in the field of emotional-energetic healing.

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Marja is a Certified Bioenergy Balancing® Practitioner and ordained minister, facilitating the celebration of Sacred Unions and life transitions. 


A true Renaissance Woman, with an eclectic background in art, dance, music, as an accomplished singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, performer; astronomy/physics, women’s studies, martial arts, yoga, bodywork, nutrition, homoeopathy, plant & flower essences, Pranic Healing, breath modalities, sound healing, Totality Therapy, Reality Transurfing, a variety of meditation practices, and Kriya Yoga—receiving her initiation in 1990 from Roy E. Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda.










In the Summer of 2010, Marja hosted her own solo internet radio program, DIVINE NATION on VoiceAmerica’s 7th Wave Network. From January 2012-February 2015, her show Waking Gods & Goddesses—Embodying Divine Wisdom and the Sensual Life was a featured program on The Human Spirit Radio Network. Fearless in pushing the edges of conformity, her vast membership site and initial YouTube Channel were unceremoniously de-platformed in 2015. Now, regrouped and recovered, this is her new site and her new YouTube Channel is LoveTruth&Beauty.

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A reclusive hermit, Marja divides her time between living and writing in the high desert mountains of America’s Southwest with her 301+ plants and musical instrument creatures, travelling the planet attending book signing events, giving presentations and Trauma DeActivation Trainings, then disappearing into the lushness of Tuscany or the mists of the Orkneys.

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